

Review aggregator | Filipino films



Kritikultura collects and aggregates reviews of films from select film critics. Given a film, score aggregation typically involves the following steps:
  • Sourcing reviews
  • Assessing reviews
  • Assigning scores to the reviews
  • Aggregating the reviews

Score Index

Kritikultura follows the score index below:

Glowing reviews
The review(s) gave exceptionally positive feedback, often highlighting outstanding qualities of the film.
Generally positive
The review(s) mostly highlighted the film's strengths while acknowledging some, sometimes forgivable, flaws.
The review(s) gave a balanced assessment of both the film's strengths and weaknesses
Generally Unfavorable
The film's shortcomings are mostly highlighted in the review(s).

Sourcing of reviews

We try our best to include as many qualified reviews from film critics as we can. Sources can come from many places, including but not limited to the following:

  • News publications
  • Blogs
  • Social Media
  • Referrals

The absence of a review being accounted for in a film may be a result of one or more of the following reasons:

  • The review has not yet been discovered by us.
  • The review is not publicly accessible.
  • Our aggregators find the review lacking in credibility.
  • The review lacks a numeric rating from the author and lacks sufficient details for a qualitative assessment by Kritikultura.

Assigning scores to the reviews

Scores are typically obtained from the reviewer's numeric rating of the movie. We use a single quantitative percentage-based scale for converting numeric scores from film critics. For example, a review that uses a 5-star system will be converted to 0 for zero stars, the lowest possible score, and 100 for 5 stars, the highest possible score.

There are exceptions to this system, particularly from film critics where 0 stars is not necessarily the lowest score or where 5 isn't the highest either. In such scenarios, Kritikultura assigns a score with respect to the critic's own rating scale. 0 will be assigned to the critic's lowest score and 100 will be assigned to the highest.

In instances where a numeric score is not provided by the critic in their review, Kritikultura will undertake a subjective assignment of a score through a qualitative assessment of the reviewer's sentiments. The Kritikultura-assigned score is derived from Kritikultura's score index while upholding the utmost respect for the reviewer's perspectives. Although earnest efforts are made to ensure that the score aligns accurately with the review, no absolute guarantee can be provided. Therefore, for scores determined through our qualitative assessment, a disclaimer is displayed next to the review score.

Aggregating the scores

A film attains an average score on Kritikultura once a minimum of five reviews has been curated on the film's page. The score represents a non-weighted average derived from all reviews attributed to the film.

Should there be an insufficient number of reviews for the film, the score will be denoted as unknown (??) until the requisite minimum review count is met.

Media illustrations by Storyset